Speaker: Dr. Michelle Banawan, Asian Institute of Management, Philippines
Moderator: Dr. May Marie P. Talandron-Felipe, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Philippines
Curated by: APSCE Artificial Intelligence in Education / Intelligent Tutoring Systems / Adaptive Learning (AI-Ed) SIG
Date: 10 March 2023 (Friday)
Time: 09:30-10:30 (GMT+8)
Register before 8 March 2023: https://new.apsce.net/webinar/31
Deep NLP techniques and generative AI are becoming increasingly relevant in various domains, most especially in education, where they support and enhance teaching and learning activities. This webinar features the different applications of Deep NLP in education, with a particular focus on generative AI. The widespread adoption of ChatGPT and similar generative AI models revolutionized the teaching and learning process and gave rise to a debate on issues like misuse, bias, and trustworthiness. However, studies have shown that leveraging generative AI in education leads to the achievement of positive learning outcomes including personalized learning, adaptive educational content, and improved feedback leading to better student engagement, motivation, and performance. In this webinar, Dr. Banawan will talk about her work that leverages Deep NLP models in automated feedback, personalized learning, computational discourse analysis, and predicting various constructs of interest within educational settings and domains.
Dr. Michelle Banawan is a full-time research faculty of the Aboitiz School of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship at the Asian Institute of Management. Her postdoctoral research at the Science of Learning and Educational Technology lab in Arizona State University, under the directorship of Dr. Danielle McNamara, involves the design and development of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) models using deep learning in the automated evaluation of student writing within Intelligent Tutoring Systems. She is also doing work in computational linguistics to understand academic and social media discourse